First of all you should be aware of the security of the poker website. If you are playing for money and sharing your personal information you want to be absolutely sure that the site is secure. Find out what security measures are taken on the site. If there is no security then your best bet is to keep looking for a poker website.

Another thing you need to consider is the variety of games that are offered on the poker website. Usually a site that offers a variety of games has more players and will have more to offer you. The more people that are playing on a site, the more likely you are to be able to play a game whenever you want.
If you are brand new to poker and have never played before you may want to consider looking for a poker website that will allow you to play for free until you get the hang of it. No one wants to waste their money while learning, so find a place where you can learn and sharpen your skills. There are many great poker websites out there for you to choose from and when you find the right one there will be hours of poker fun in your future.